Republic of Equestria Socialist
Office of Immigration and Border Control
In light of recent developments and ongoing conflicts, the Republic of Equestria Socialist has made a decisive move to protect its citizens and uphold its commitment to international human rights. Effective immediately, passport holders from the country of Israel will face new entry restrictions. These measures are a direct response to the actions currently being undertaken by Israel, which have been classified as war crimes and crimes against humanity.
New Entry Restrictions
General Prohibition
Passport holders from Israel will not be permitted entry into the Republic of Equestria Socialist unless they meet one of the following exceptional circumstances:
- Requesting Asylum: Individuals who are renouncing their citizenship of Israel and seeking asylum due to persecution or fear for their lives.
- Exceptional Circumstances: Entry may be granted for the following specific reasons:
- Visiting a dying family member.
- Attending the funeral of a family member.
Conditions for Exceptional Entry
For those granted entry under exceptional circumstances, the following conditions will apply:
- Escort by Armed Personnel: Visitors will be accompanied by armed security personnel at all times during their stay.
- Strict Departure Protocol: Visitors will be required to leave the Republic of Equestria Socialist immediately upon completion of their stated business. No extensions will be granted.
Rationale for the Decision
The Republic of Equestria Socialist has always stood firm against any form of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The current situation in Israel, characterized by severe human rights violations and aggressive military actions, has prompted us to take these measures to ensure the following:
- Preventing Complicity: Allowing unrestricted entry to passport holders from Israel poses a significant risk of inadvertently harboring individuals who may be involved in or supportive of the ongoing atrocities. This is a risk the Republic of Equestria Socialist cannot take, as it could make us complicit in these crimes.
- National Security: The safety and security of our citizens are paramount. Limiting entry from regions engaged in severe conflict helps mitigate potential threats.
- Upholding Human Rights: By restricting entry to individuals from a country currently violating international laws, we reinforce our commitment to human rights and signal our disapproval of such actions.
The Republic of Equestria Socialist remains dedicated to fostering a safe, just, and equitable society. These travel restrictions are a necessary measure to uphold these principles and ensure the integrity of our nation.
We understand that these restrictions may cause inconvenience and distress to some individuals, especially those with genuine humanitarian needs. We urge those affected to contact our immigration offices for further guidance and support in navigating these new regulations.
For any inquiries or further information, please contact the Office of Immigration and Border Control.
Republic of Equestria Socialist - Office of Immigration and Border Control
Date: 2024-06-20